Monday, 25 July 2011

Majorca / Wanderlust

This gorgeous photo of Majorca from Mark Woodbury is giving me major wanderlust.  The weather in Edinburgh has finally warmed up a bit, and my hubby and I went on a beautiful 10 mile walk in the Highlands yesterday, but shots like these make me wish I was back on holiday!  You can read about my trip to Majorca on my blog on Matador travel.

Handbag lust

Drool... absolutely love this Balenciaga handbag from farfetch.  Check out some other style and fashion picks at my Pinterest page!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


Hello, welcome to my blog!  Hopefully there will be more to come soon.  For now, a wonderful story about Rupert Murdoch getting hit in the face with a pie.  What a lovely idea.  I bet Mr. Murdoch loves pie.